Tuesday, 24 January 2017 13:32

The Nature of Reality

How do our outer senses color our perception of what we call reality? Do meditation, spirit communication and other spiritual practices give us access to other dimensions of reality? What happens in our dreams? Rev. Uki invites you to explore different notions of reality in this inspirational and entertaining talk.

Published in Public Speaking
Friday, 11 October 2019 12:07

Role of the Ego revisited


The human ego has been much-maligned throughout history. Christianity tells us that the seven deadly sins are based on the pursuit of selfish motives or ego. Buddhism reminds us that ego's attachments are the cause for our suffering. From the Course in Miracles we learn that the ego's projection of being separated from God causes us shame, guilt and pain. Contemporary writers such as Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle seek to enlighten us about the pitfalls of eco-centric ways of thinking and acting. None of us likes an egocentric or egomaniac person. But why do we have an ego? Is it really all bad? In Latin language the word ego simply means "I", myself. When we are born we do not yet have a sense of identity. We learn what is other than I through separation and distinction. This is a necessary stage of human development. Later in life, a well-balanced ego helps us to strive and achieve our goals and dreams. It is only when the ego is out of control that it becomes a problem. The ego is then like a fearful child that projects the worst, lives in the past or the future, criticizes and condemns and is rarely ever satisfied. Basically, it wants to protect us from harm, but often doesn't know how to go about it.

Published in Blog
Sunday, 09 April 2017 15:42

De-clutter your life

De-clutter your life – emotional and spiritual benefits of releasing things

As Spring is in full swing now, we often feel a need to clear out accumulated things in order to make room for the new. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of ‘stuff’ we hold on to, because of indecision, vague sentimentality or hoarding tendencies. Clutter negatively affects our wellbeing on the physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual level, since it creates the energy of stagnation, frustration and confusion. When energy stops flowing, less life force is available to us. We feel out of control, overwhelmed and disempowered to initiate positive change in our life.

Much has been written about identifying ways to de-clutter your environment and therefore your life. In a society driven by consumption, strong movements have emerged that focus on simplicity and minimalism. In order to start sorting out physical clutter, I begin with the two simple questions: do I use it? Do I love it?

Clearing out physical clutter becomes a powerful healing tool for transformation. Can de-cluttering also be a spiritual practice? We believe so. If it is true that our outer environment reflects our inner state, then the act of organizing and clearing out leads to a more relaxed, clearer mind and a heart that is open to new beginnings. Letting go of things helps us to let go of the past and make more room for present and future selves. Hoarding is fear-based, whereas releasing invites us to trust in the generosity of the universe. It really becomes a control issue: do I place my faith in objects and accumulations or in an abundant universe and a loving Source that provides for me? New freedom and awaits us as we welcome transformation and the energy of new beginnings.

Published in Blog