Rev. Uki's Mission

“My mission is to teach, heal and inspire others to heal themselves by connecting to the power of Spirit within.”

- Rev. Uki MacIsaac

Uki's Calendar

Rev. Uki MacIsaac is an intuitive, offering psychic readings and spiritual counseling.

Halloween Gathering with Spirit - Saturday, October 27

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Music, meditation and messages!

Theme of the month: "Connecting to the worlds beyond the veil"

 Devotional music with Josiah, guided meditation and personal channeled Angel messages by Rev. Uki for you.

  • enjoy devotional tunes that open your heart to the divine
  • relax into a guided meditation
  • feel the presence of loved ones on spirit side
  • experience the blessings of love beyond the veil
  • receive gift from benevolent ancestral energies
  • connect with higher beings who love and support you
  • enjoy your personal Angel message by Rev.Uki

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Halloween Gathering with Spirit - Saturday, October 26

ghost 1

Music, meditation and messages!

Theme of the month: "Connecting to the worlds beyond the veil"

 Devotional music with Josiah, guided meditation and personal channeled Angel messages by Rev. Uki for you.

  • enjoy devotional tunes that open your heart to the divine
  • relax into a guided meditation
  • feel the presence of loved ones on spirit side
  • experience the blessings of love beyond the veil
  • receive gift from benevolent ancestral energies
  • connect with higher beings who love and support you
  • enjoy your personal Angel message by Rev.Uki

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Halloween Gathering with Spirit - Saturday, October 23

ghost 1

Music, meditation and messages!

Theme of the month: "Connecting to the worlds beyond the veil"

 Devotional music with Lynn and Jim Chow, guided meditation and personal channeled Angel messages by Rev. Uki for you.

  • enjoy devotional tunes that open your heart to the divine
  • relax into a guided meditation
  • feel the presence of loved ones on spirit side
  • experience the blessings of love beyond the veil
  • receive gift from benevolent ancestral energies
  • connect with higher beings who love and support you
  • enjoy your personal Angel message by Rev.Uki

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Gathering with Spirit - Saturday, August 25


Live music, guided meditation and personal channeled Angel messages by Rev. Uki and friends for you!

Theme of the month: Clearing Karma

  • Connect with members of your soul cluster
  • Access soul contracts you made with others
  • Activate and experience the energy of forgiveness
  • Clear karmic ties with significant people in your life
  • Celebrate the freedom of your authentic self

Presenting renown kirtan artist Shantaya

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Gathering with Spirit - Saturday, May 19

Guardian Angel 1

Guided meditation and personal channeled Angel messages by Rev. Uki for you!

Theme of the month: Healing with the Angels

  • Invoke the presence of the angelic realm
  • surrender your concerns to the beings of light
  • melt into the loving presence of the angels
  • experience the flow of healing energies
  • receive personal guidance and gifts
  • deepen the connection to your Guardian Angel

Featuring devotional music with Prem Yogi

Angels are always here for us to experience their healing presence. But we have to ask for their assistance and be open to receiving! Angels work on many dimensional realms and frequencies. Common to all is the guidance and love they emanate. When we connect from an open heart with their healing power, we experience transformation in all areas of our lives: body, mind and spirit.

Join us for a meaningful, uplifting and joyous journey into angelic realms. Experience the blessings, as your soul recognizes and resonates with divine helpers.


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Spring Equinox Celebration - Saturday, March 24


Music, meditation and messages!

Theme of the month: Awakening

Harp music with Cheryl Angela, guided meditation and personal channeled Angel messages by Rev. Uki for you.

  • Celebrate with us the auspicious time of the Spring Equinox
  • Awaken to the whispers of your soul
  • Recalibrate your spiritual focus
  • Connect with others in joyful community

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Sound and Spirit - Sunday, March 4

GDF Vector

Join Mahanraj Kaur and Reverend Uki for a Magical Afternoon!

Healing sound immersion, guided meditation and personal intuitive "Angel Messages" for all!

Have you always wondered who is around you on Spirit side? Would you LOVE to receive a personal message from your Angels and Spirit Guides?
Do you believe in the power of intuitive wisdom, but want to have some proof?

If so, this very special evening is for you! Rev. Uki MacIsaac tunes into your energy to receive and pass on a helpful personal Intuitive Message.


These 'mini' readings are designed to inspire and uplift you. Our hearts will already be open from the sound bath and a guided meditation that is always given at the time and is based on the audience frequency, never 'canned'. Then we tune into the presence of our spirit support crew for insight and guidance. You may feel deeply moved by your message, or you might giggle with the sense of humor your guides often display. In any case, the information is given with love and deep respect for the light that you are.

Mahanraj Kaur will be leading a Crystal Bowl and Gong Bath Sound Healing. MahanrajKaur

This beautiful journey provides a nervous system reset, deep relaxation and an elevation of spirit.


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Gathering with Spirit - Saturday, January 27


Guided meditation and personal channeled Angel messages by Rev. Uki for you!

Theme of the month: Clarity of Intent for 2018

In numerology, 2018 added together creates the master number 11! Find out more about the meaning of this number and tune into the significance of the year 2018!


Presenting for the first time musical guest Ari Marsh

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Gathering with Spirit - Saturday, February 24

lovers spiritual connection

Guided meditation and personal channeled Angel messages by Rev. Uki for you!

Theme of the month: Love made manifest

  • Access and modify soul contracts for your highest good
  • Release the energy of past relationships
  • Envision how Love may blossom for you in 2018
  • Deepen existing relationships
  • Connect with your soul mate on the highest level
  • Magnetize the one(s) that resonate with your vibration
  • Above all, intensify the love for the magnificent Higher Self that shines through you

 Welcoming back award-winning composer/pianist and recording artist, Jeanette Alexander!

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Gathering with Spirit - Saturday, April 28

Goddess Mother Earth

Guided meditation and personal channeled Angel messages by Rev. Uki for you!

Theme of the month: Attunement

  • Attune to the season of rebirth and renewal
  • Be nurtured by the energies of Mother Earth
  • Feel renewed hope and courage
  • Strengthen your faith in the goodness of All That Is
  • Celebrate the new you!
  • Relax into joyful healing harmonies

 Welcoming back popular musical guest, Josiah!

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Gathering with Spirit - Saturday, July 28

woman loving life

Live music, guided meditation and personal channeled Angel messages by Rev. Uki for you!

Theme of the month: In Love with Life

  • Connect with your playful inner child
  • Awaken creative expression
  • Love your life, no matter what!
  • Find the hidden blessing in the events of your life
  • Release old limiting beliefs
  • Let your heart shine forth in gratitude
  • Receive inspiration from your magnificent Higher Self
  • Celebrate YOU

 Welcoming back award-winning composer/pianist and recording artist, Jeanette Alexander!

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Video Intro to Rev Uki's psychic readings and spiritual counseling in Carlsbad, San Diego, CA


Uki writes - Women Of Spirit share Rituals Divine

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